Whilst in your organisation dashboard, click the Settings tab. The Organisation Settingspage displays, showing the General tab. Click Policies.

You will see organisation policies that were configured when the organisation was created, but, you can edit these settings at any point. Some options may not be available for you, depending on your subscription plan, and whether you are a reseller or not.

Organisation Policies

From the Organisation Policies section of this page, you’re able to configure the following settings:

  • Space Quota:Total storage quote for the organisation.
  • Max file size: Maximum file size, in Megabytes.
  • Excluded extensions: Comma-separated extensions that cannot be uploaded to your organisation’s Vault.
  • Max number of users: Total number of users that can be created within your organisation.
  • Allow creation of sub-organisations: Prevent or allow the creation of sub-organisations.
  • Max number of sub-organisations: Number of sub-organisations that can be created.
  • Enable branding: Allow your organisation to use custom branding.
  • WebDAV Support: Allow your organisation to accept incoming WebDAV connections.
  • Backup creation: Allow your organisation to create backups.
  • File Server Enablement: Activate the File Server Enablement feature.
  • Show the Authentication tab: Allow your organisation to link an AD/LDAP source.
  • Show PSA tab: Allow your organisation to configure a PSA tool.

User Settings

From the User Settings section of this page, you’re able to configure the following settings:

  • Let organisation admins browse remote files: Allow your administrators to view data in files, folders, and backups.
  • Let the organisation admins create users: Allow your administrators to generate new user accounts.
  • Allow users to create their own backups: Allow users to create their own backups.
  • Allow users to share files: Allow users to share files from within their personal files, and organisation team shares.
  • Force new share links to require login: Force all new share links to be a secure share (the recipient will need to log in).
  • Enable Web Preview: Allow users to view files securely, within their web browser.
  • Allow users to overwrite collisions: Allow users to resolve their own file collisions, without an administrators input.
  • Allow users to lock files: Allow users to enforce file-locks on content.
  • Use filesystem permissions to enforce locks on: Types of files that will be locked.
  • Force password change after: Specify how often users will have to change their password. Leave blank to prevent expiry.
  • Require two-step authentication: Force all users to configure and use 2FA.

Trim Settings

From the Trim Settings section of this page, you’re able to configure the following settings:

  • Allow users to roll back revisions: Allow users to restore a previous version of a file, in their personal files, and in your organisation’s team shares.
  • Allow users to erase revisions: Allow users to delete all previous file versions. This action is irreversible.
  • Auto-erase revisions: Automatically delete all previous file versions.
  • Erase revisions for files unchanged in: Specify the number of days after which previous file versions should be deleted.

Purge Settings

From the Purge Settings section of this page, you’re able to configure the following settings:

  • Allow users to erase deleted files: Allow users to delete all previously ‘trashed’ files. This action is irreversible.
  • Auto-erase deleted files: Automatically delete all previously ‘trashed’ files.
  • Erase deleted files after: Specify the number of days after which previously ‘trashed’ files should be deleted.

API Settings

From the API Settings section of this page, you’re able to configure the following setting:

  • Deactivate API tokens after: Specify the number of days that API tokens are useable.

Bandwidth Settings

From the API Settings section of this page, you’re able to configure the following settings:

  • Throttle Bandwidth: Minimise bandwidth use across your organisation. You can also restrict bandwidth on specific machines.
  • Enable Throttle Exception: Configure times when bandwidth throttling is not enabled.