If you are having trouble registering your agent on Windows and you can see SSL Handshake Errors in the event log please follow the below steps to resolve the issue:

On a machine that has been able to register successfully, export Go Daddy root certificates: 

1. From command prompt, type: mmc
2. On File Menu, select Add/Remove Snap-In
3. Select Certificates -> select Add -> select ‘Computer account’ -> Next -> Local computer: (the computer this console is running on) -> Finish -> OK
4. Drill down to Certificates -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificates -> highlight both ‘Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority’ & ‘Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority – G2’ -> right click -> All tasks -> Export
5. Run Export Wizard -> Next -> select ‘Personal Information Exchange – PCKS #12 (.PFX)’ and leave defaults
6. Next, -> check ‘Password’ checkbox -> assign and confirm password -> Next
7. Give certs a file name for reference and choose location to save it -> Next -> Finish

On the machine experiencing agent registration issue, import Go Daddy root certificates: 

1. From command prompt, type: mmc
2. On File Menu, select Add/Remove Snap-In
3. Select Certificates -> select Add -> select ‘Computer account’ -> Next -> Local computer: (the computer this console is running on) -> press Finish -> press OK
4. Drill down to Certificates -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificates -> right click -> All tasks -> Import
5. Run Certificate Import Wizard -> Local Machine -> Next -> browse to the PFX file, All files (*.*) -> Open -> Next -> enter password from exported .pfx file -> Next
6. Place all certificates in the following store, Certificate store: Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Next -> press Finish
7. Once you receive notice the import was successful, restart the Nimbox Vault service and try to register the agent. 

If you require help running through these steps or the steps do not work please contact our support team and they will be happy to help.